Meet Cathy Boyce

Cathy is an Oral Health Therapist who graduated from Sydney’s Sylvania School of Dental Therapy in 1980. She worked in southern NSW until the family relocated to Townsville, Queensland in 2004 then completed her hygiene component in 2006 through UQ/QUT’s academic upgrade programme.
She has enjoyed a long and rewarding career in the dental profession working in many aspects of dentistry in both public and private clinics. Her success as a clinician is anchored in the goals of enhanced health outcomes for all patients and their families and she has carried this focus through her varied career path in both clinical and educational settings.
It was during her early years in NSW that Cathy first experienced the benefits of using silver fluoride as a means of caries control where the only other option was amalgam restorations. The rediscovery of its emergence into the clinical dentistry in late 2016 was met with much excitement by her and she adopted its use again in early 2017. While the success she encountered for caries arrest were not surprising, the combination of partnering the use of silver fluorides with modern day materials was! A conference in the USA in April 2017 and the subsequent re-connecting with some of the world’s best silver fluoride ‘gurus’ right here in Australia has been a game changer for her clinical practice. Cathy has worked with both modes of silver fluoride materials which are available for use in Australia (CSDS and Riva Star) extensively in both her public and private clinical settings and soon realised that silver fluoride use had become an integral part of her approach to caries management.
As a result, by September 2017 the ARM-ER approach to caries management (using silver fluorides) was articulated and is currently being used to guide clinicians and clients through their own journey into the use of silver fluorides as a caries management option.
Just so you know.
This is a resource site for clinicians who may also want to use silver fluorides in (either form) in clinical practice and might benefit from some additional tools to confidently encourage the use for their clients. All resources are freely available to download and distribute as is.
Cathy has no commercial/pecuniary interest in the materials or systems which are used/mentioned in the resources, just a passion for getting a great message out there. Registration is required as a management tool only and will not be used in any way for ongoing communication unless I feel that it is warranted… or has been requested!